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In the early days of human species, men, women and children moved about in small hunting and gathering bands, sharing the same terrain and exploring the same spaces. Role differentiation was minimal, though child-bearing restricted women's movements somewhat, and men ranged farther in hunting prey. Even so, it is estimated that women, as roving gatherers, supplied up to 80 percent of a band's diet by weight and therefore carried an important part of society's ecological knowledge in their heads. Based on observation of small hunting-gathering tribes found in Africa, it would seem that old women as well as old men took the role of tribal elders and carried out rituals important to the social life of the band. About 12,000 B.C.E. a combination of events brought about a major change in the human condition: improved hunting techniques resulted in a dwindling supply of animals, and women discovered from their plant-gathering activities that seeds spilled by chance near the previous year's campsite would sprout into wheat the following year, creating a convenient, nearby source of food. This resulted in the deliberate planting of seeds to grow food, and agriculture came into being.


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According to ¡°International Investment Position¡± announced by the Bank of Korea on 5th, overseas investment of Koreans, which is external assets, has exceeded domestic investment of foreigners, which is external liabilities, for the first time last year.
Korea¡¯s overseas investment balance has surpassed $1 trillion for the first time in history. By the end of last year, the balance of outbound foreign investment reached $1,080.2 billion (approximately 1,187 trillion Won), up by $112.7 billion from a year ago. This is mainly because Korean companies have increased their investment on foreign securities by $37.5 billion. Direct investment and derivative investment are also increased by $19.7 billion and $7.1 billion respectively. Low interest rate and sluggish stock market boosted up the speed of domestic capital outflow to overseas.
On the other hand, the foreigner¡¯s investment (external liabilities), which had surpassed $1 trillion in 2013 by reaching $1,048 billion, dropped to $998.3 billion. The Bank of Korea explained, ¡°This is induced by low portfolio investment which is reduced by $25.7 billion last year due to downturns in domestic stock market and weak Korean won against the US dollar.¡±

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